Saturday, November 27, 2010

Vintage Turned to Splendor

Recall, if you will, that moment when you selected a vintage piece for your home. You spot that perfect time-worn, chippy cherub to place on a certain shelf. Or a special little cabinet that will sit atop a table and create a charming spot. And suddenly you are full of joy and satisfaction. Like many of you, I long for those moments of euphoria. Twenty years ago, I could not imagine that I would prefer something old over a new item. Now I much prefer vintage imperfection over anything new. Buying vintage is so magical and enjoyable. At Antique Queens, we have many pieces that will start that magical moment to work in you. On Saturday I watched a perfect cabinet drive away on the roof of a station wagon.. darn, why did I hesitate? It was a perfect size and color for my cottage and I let it get away! Come find a special piece that will express your taste in combination with a style from the past.


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